

Vagabonds of the Western World - Limited Deluxe Box

THIN LIZZY - Vagabonds of the Western World - Limited Deluxe Box

Genere: Ristampa

Etichetta: UNIVERSAL

Anno: 2023

Supporto: 4 CD



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Il cinquantennale del terzo album di studio dei Thin Lizzy viene celebrato da Universal con una edizione deluxe contenente un libro con note del giornalista Mark Blake, tre CD e un Blu-ray: quest'ultimo include un misaggio dell'abum in Dolby Atmos a cura di Richard Whittaker insieme a versioni, sempre in Dolby Atmos, di lati A e B di singoli (compresi il "single edit" e la versione "full lenght" di "Whiskey In The Jar", celeberrima hit del gruppo esclusa dalla scaletta di "Vagabonds Of The Western World"). Oltre all'album rimasterizzato, i tre CD contengono invece bonus tracks, outtake, rough mix, dieci demo e rare registrazioni effettuate per programmi della BBC e dell'emittente televisiva irlandese RTÉ. Pubblicato nel 1973 dalla Decca, "Vagabonds Of The Western World" fu l'ultimo album dei Thin Lizzy con il chitarrista Eric Bell e il primo illustrato da una copertina disegnata da Jim Fitzpatrick; prodotto dal leader della band Phil Lynott con Nick Tauber, è considerato uno dei più ispirati del gruppo irlandese, un mix efficacissimo e trascinante di blues americano, soul di marca Motown e proto heavy metal (spicca il singolo "The Rocker", poi diventato un grande classico)

track list

  • - 1 -
    • 1. Mama Nature Said
    • 2. The Hero and the Madman
    • 3. Slow Blues
    • 4. The Rocker (Album Version)
    • 5. Vagabond of the Western World (Album Version)
    • 6. Little Girl In Bloom
    • 7. Gonna Creep Up On You
    • 8. A Song For While I'm Away
    • 9. Whiskey In the Jar
    • 10. Black Boys On the Corner
    • 11. Randolph's Tango
    • 12. Broken Dreams
    • 13. The Rocker (Single Edit)
    • 14. Here I Go Again
    • 15. A Ride In the Lizzy Mobile
  • - 2 -
    • 1. Whiskey In the Jar (John Peel Session / 28th November 1972)
    • 2. Suicide (John Peel Session / 28th November 1972)
    • 3. Black Boys On the Corner (John Peel Session / 28th November
    • 4. 1969 Rock (With Intro / Rte Radio Eireann Session / 16th Jan
    • 5. Suicide (With Intro / Rte Radio Eireann Session / 16th Jan 1
    • 6. Broken Dreams (With Intro / Rte Radio Eireann Session / 16th
    • 7. Eddie's Blues / Blue Shadows (With Intro / Rte Radio Eireann
    • 8. Vagabond of the Western World (John Peel Session / 7th Augus
    • 9. Gonna Creep Up On You (John Peel Session / 7th August 1973)
    • 10. Little Girl In Bloom (John Peel Session / 7th August 1973)
    • 11. Randolph's Tango (John Peel Session / 16th August 1973)
    • 12. The Rocker (John Peel Session / 16th August 1973)
    • 13. Slow Blues (John Peel Session / 16th August 1973)
    • 14. Randolph's Tango (Bob Harris Session / 17th September 1973)
    • 15. Little Girl In Bloom (Bob Harris Session / 17th September 19
    • 16. The Rocker (Bob Harris Session / 17th September 1973)
  • - 3 -
    • 1. The Rocker (Radio One In Concert / 26th July 1973)
    • 2. Things Ain't Working Out Down At the Farm (Radio One In Conc
    • 3. Slow Blues (Radio One In Concert / 26th July 1973)
    • 4. Gonna Creep Up On You (Radio One In Concert / 26th July 1973
    • 5. Suicide (Radio One In Concert / 26th July 1973)
    • 6. The Rocker (Take 1 / Instrumental)
    • 7. Little Girl In Bloom (Take 3)
    • 8. Gonna Creep Up On You (Take 2 / Instrumental)
    • 9. Slow Blues (Take 2 / Instrumental)
    • 10. Here I Go Again (Extended Version)
    • 11. Suicide (Gtr Needles and Pins Jam)
    • 12. Whiskey In the Jar (Extended Version / Rough Mix)
    • 13. Black Boys On the Corner (Rough Mix)
    • 14. Gonna Creep Up On You (Acetate Mix)
    • 15. Baby's Been Messin' (Acetate Mix)
  • - 4 -
    • 1. Mama Nature Said (Dolby Atmos)
    • 2. The Hero and the Madman (Dolby Atmos)
    • 3. Slow Blues (Dolby Atmos)
    • 4. The Rocker (Dolby Atmos)
    • 5. Vagabond of the Western World (Dolby Atmos)
    • 6. Little Girl In Bloom (Dolby Atmos)
    • 7. Gonna Creep Up On You (Dolby Atmos)
    • 8. A Song For While I'm Away (Dolby Atmos)
    • 9. Mama Nature Said (5.1 Mix)
    • 10. The Hero and the Madman (5.1 Mix)
    • 11. Slow Blues (5.1 Mix)
    • 12. The Rocker (5.1 Mix)
    • 13. Vagabond of the Western World (5.1 Mix)
    • 14. Little Girl In Bloom (5.1 Mix)
    • 15. Gonna Creep Up On You (5.1 Mix)
    • 16. A Song For While I'm Away (5.1 Mix)
    • 17. Mama Nature Said
    • 18. The Hero and the Madman
    • 19. Slow Blues
    • 20. The Rocker (Album Version)
    • 21. Vagabond of the Western World (Album Version)
    • 22. Little Girl In Bloom
    • 23. Gonna Creep Up On You
    • 24. A Song For While I'm Away
    • 25. Whiskey In the Jar (7" Edit / Dolby Atmos)
    • 26. Black Boys On the Corner (Dolby Atmos)
    • 27. Randolph's Tango (Dolby Atmos)
    • 28. Broken Dreams (Dolby Atmos)
    • 29. The Rocker (Single Edit / Dolby Atmos)
    • 30. Here I Go Again (Dolby Atmos)
    • 31. Cruising In the Lizzymobile (Dolby Atmos)
    • 32. Whiskey In the Jar (Dolby Atmos)

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