

Broadsword And The Beast - Limited

JETHRO TULL - Broadsword And The Beast - Limited

Genere: Ristampa


Anno: 2023

Supporto: 8 DVD



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Seguendo la tradizione dei cofanetti dedicati alla discografia della band inglese, anche l'album datato 1982 viene finalmente celebrato in un set di 5CD+3DVD. Il box edito in tiratura limitata per il 40° anniversario include nuovi missaggi curati da Steven Wilson, demo, missaggi grezzi, registrazioni dal vivo e sessioni del 1981. Questa "Monster Edition" non poteva prescindere dal solito corposo libro di addirittura 164 pagine con interviste ai membri della band, annotazioni traccia per traccia di Ian Anderson, un'intervista con l'illustratore delle copertine Iain McCaig, un'ampia intervista con il tecnico del suono in studio e dal vivo Leigh Mantle, una ricostruzione del programma del tour del 1982 e del calendario delle tournée, oltre a foto rare e memorabilia. Il set registrato in Germania nel 1982 è una chicca assoluta per qualità e importanza storica.

track list

Disco: 1
1 Beastie Steven Wilson Remix
2 Clasp Steven Wilson Remix
3 Fallen on Hard Times Steven Wilson Remix
4 Flying Colours Steven Wilson Remix
5 Slow Marching Band Steven Wilson Remix
6 Broadsword Steven Wilson Remix
7 Pussy Willow Steven Wilson Remix
8 Watching Me Watching You Steven Wilson Remix
9 Seal Driver Steven Wilson Remix
10 Cheerio Steven Wilson Remix
11 Fallen on Hard Times 1st Master Dec U81 Sessions Steven Wilson Remix
12 Beastie 2nd Master Dec U81 Sessions Steven Wilson Remix
13 Fallen on Hard Times 2nd Master Dec U81 Sessions Steven Wilson Remix
14 Seal Driver 1st Master Dec U81 Sessions Steven Wilson Remix
15 Cheerio Ensemble Vocal Version Steven Wilson Remix
16 Jack-a-Lynn Acoustic Version Steven Wilson Remix
17 Beastie Band Shouts Steven Wilson Remix
Disco: 2
1 Rolandus Entry Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions
2 Lights Out Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions
3 The Curse Version 1 Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions
4 The Curse Version 2 Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions
5 Too Many Too Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions
6 Calafel Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions
7 I'm Your Gun Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions
8 No Step Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions
9 Down at the End of Your Road Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions
10 Mayhem Maybe Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions
11 Commons Brawl Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions
12 Return to Calafel Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions
13 Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions
14 The Swirling Pit Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions
15 Inverness Sleeper Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions
16 Crew Nights Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions
17 Rhythm in Gold Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions
18 Overhang Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions
19 Jack-a-Lynn Band Version Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions
20 Motoreyes Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions
21 Drive on the Young Side of Life Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions
Disco: 3
1 Flying Colours Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981
2 Me Dinosaur Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981
3 Crew Nights Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981
4 Rhythm in Gold Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981
5 Honest Girl Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981
6 Seal Driver Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981
7 DJ Dream Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981
8 Jack-a-Lynn Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981
9 Fallen on Hard Times Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981
10 Drive on the Young Side of Life Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981
11 Beastie Original 1981 Master Mixes
12 Too Many Too Original 1981 Master Mixes
13 Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow Original 1981 Master Mixes
14 Ium Your Gun Original 1981 Master Mixes
15 Down at the End of Your Road Original 1981 Master Mixes
16 Slow Marching Band Early 1982 Rough Mixes
17 Pussy Willow Early 1982 Rough Mixes
18 Fallen on Hard Times Early 1982 Rough Mixes
19 Theakston Music Festival Advert August 1982 Radio Advert
Disco: 4
1 Clasp Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982
2 Hunting Girl Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982
3 Fallen on Hard Times Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982
4 Pussy Willow Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982
5 Broadsword Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982
6 Jack-in-the-Green Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982
7 One Brown Mouse Ravensburg Oberschwabenhalle 28th April 1982
8 Seal Driver Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982
9 Heavy Horses Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982
10 Weathercock / Fire at Midnight Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982
11 Keyboard Instrumental Ravensburg Oberschwabenhalle 28th April 1982
12 Sweet Dream Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982
Disco: 5
1 Flying Colours Frankfurt Festhalle 26th April 1982
2 Songs from the Wood Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982
3 Watching Me Watching You Ravensburg Oberschwabenhalle 28th April 1982
4 Band Introductions Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982
5 The Swirling Pit Instrumental Live Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982
6 Pibroch / Black Satin Dancer Instrumental Recorded in Frankfurt Passau Ravensburg Boblingen and Freiburg April 1982
7 Beastie Ravensburg Oberschwabenhalle 28th April 1982
8 Too Old to Rock N Roll Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982
9 Aqualung Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982
10 Minstrel in the Gallery Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982
11 Locomotive Breath / Black Sunday Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982
12 Cheerio Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982
Disco: 6
1 Beastie Steven Wilson Remix 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
2 Clasp Steven Wilson Remix 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
3 Fallen on Hard Times Steven Wilson Remix 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
4 Flying Colours Steven Wilson Remix 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
5 Slow Marching Band Steven Wilson Remix 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
6 Broadsword Steven Wilson Remix 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
7 Pussy Willow Steven Wilson Remix 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
8 Watching Me Watching You Steven Wilson Remix 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
9 Seal Driver Steven Wilson Remix 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
10 Cheerio Steven Wilson Remix 96/24 Lpcm S Tereo
11 Beastie Steven Wilson Remix 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
12 Clasp Steven Wilson Remix 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
13 Fallen on Hard Times Steven Wilson Remix 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
14 Flying Colours Steven Wilson Remix 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
15 Slow Marching Band Steven Wilson Remix 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
16 Broadsword Steven Wilson Remix 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
17 Pussy Willow Steven Wilson Remix 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
18 Watching Me Watching You Steven Wilson Remix 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
19 Seal Driver Steven Wilson Remix 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
20 Cheerio Steven Wilson Remix 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
21 Beastie 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
22 Clasp 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
23 Fallen on Hard Times 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
24 Flying Colours 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
25 Slow Marching Band 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
26 Broadsword 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
27 Pussy Willow 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
28 Watching Me Watching You 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
29 Seal Driver 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
30 Cheerio 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
31 Beastie Original 1981 Master Mixes 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
32 Too Many Too Original 1981 Master Mixes 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
33 Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow Original 1981 Master Mixes 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
34 Ium Your Gun Original 1981 Master Mixes 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
35 Down at the End of Your Road Original 1981 Master Mixes 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
36 Slow Marching Band Early 1982 Rough Mixes 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
37 Pussy Willow Early 1982 Rough Mixes 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
38 Fallen on Hard Times Early 1982 Rough Mixes 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
39 Motoreyes 1988 Remix With Flute Overdubs 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
40 Rhythm in Gold 1988 Remix With Flute Overdubs 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
41 Fallen on Hard Times 1st Master Dec U81 Sessions Steven Wilson Remix 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
42 Beastie 2nd Master Dec U81 Sessions Steven Wilson Remix 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
43 Fallen on Hard Times 2nd Master Dec U81 Sessions Steven Wilson Remix 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
44 Seal Driver 1st Master Dec U81 Sessions Steven Wilson Remix 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
45 Cheerio Ensemble Vocal Version Steven Wilson Remix 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
46 Beastie Band Shouts Steven Wilson Remix 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
Disco: 7
1 Rolandus Entry Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
2 Lights Out Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
3 The Curse Version 1 Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
4 The Curse Version 2 Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
5 Too Many Too Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
6 Calafel Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
7 I'm Your Gun Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
8 No Step Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
9 Down at the End of Your Road Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
10 Mayhem Maybe Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
11 Commons Brawl Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
12 Return to Calafel Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
13 Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
14 The Swirling Pit Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
15 Inverness Sleeper Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
16 Crew Nights Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
17 Rhythm in Gold Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
18 Overhang Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
19 Jack-a-Lynn Band Version Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
20 Motoreyes Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
21 Drive on the Young Side of Life Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
22 Jack-a-Lynn Acoustic Version Steven Wilson Remix 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
23 Rolandus Entry Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
24 Lights Out Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
25 The Curse Version 1 Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
26 The Curse Version 2 Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
27 Too Many Too Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
28 Calafel Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
29 I'm Your Gun Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
30 No Step Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
31 Down at the End of Your Road Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
32 Mayhem Maybe Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
33 Commons Brawl Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
34 Return to Calafel Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
35 Jack Frost and the Hooded Crow Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
36 The Swirling Pit Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
37 Inverness Sleeper Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
38 Crew Nights Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
39 Rhythm in Gold Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
40 Overhang Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
41 Jack-a-Lynn Band Version Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
42 Motoreyes Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
43 Drive on the Young Side of Life Dec 81-Feb U82 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
44 Jack-a-Lynn Acoustic Version Steven Wilson Remix 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
45 Flying Colours Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
46 Me Dinosaur Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
47 Crew Nights Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
48 Rhythm in Gold Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
49 Honest Girl Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
50 Seal Driver Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
51 DJ Dream Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
52 Jack-a-Lynn Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
53 Fallen on Hard Times Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
54 Drive on the Young Side of Life Demo Recording Session at Maison Rouge Studio 1 15th December 1981 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
55 End Game - Instrumental Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
56 End Game - Instrumental Mar-Jul 1981 Sessions 5 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
Disco: 8
1 Clasp Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
2 Hunting Girl Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
3 Fallen on Hard Times Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
4 Pussy Willow Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
5 Broadsword Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
6 Jack-in-the-Green Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
7 One Brown Mouse Ravensburg Oberschwabenhalle 28th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
8 Seal Driver Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
9 Heavy Horses Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
10 Weathercock / Fire at Midnight Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
11 Keyboard Instrumental Ravensburg Oberschwabenhalle 28th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
12 Sweet Dream Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
13 Flying Colours Frankfurt Festhalle 26th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
14 Songs from the Wood Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
15 Watching Me Watching You Ravensburg Oberschwabenhalle 28th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
16 Band Introductions Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
17 The Swirling Pit Live Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982 Instrumental 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
18 Pibroch / Black Satin Dancer Recorded in Frankfurt Passau Ravensburg Boblingen and Freiburg April 1982 Instrumental 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
19 Beastie Ravensburg Oberschwabenhalle 28th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
20 Too Old to Rock N Roll Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
21 Aqualung Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
22 Minstrel in the Gallery Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
23 Locomotive Breath / Black Sunday Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
24 Cheerio Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 96/24 Lpcm Stereo
25 Clasp Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
26 Hunting Girl Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
27 Fallen on Hard Times Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
28 Pussy Willow Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
29 Broadsword Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
30 Jack-in-the-Green Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
31 One Brown Mouse Ravensburg Oberschwabenhalle 28th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
32 Seal Driver Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
33 Heavy Horses Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
34 Weathercock / Fire at Midnight Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
35 Keyboard Instrumental Ravensburg Oberschwabenhalle 28th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
36 Sweet Dream Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
37 Flying Colours Frankfurt Festhalle 26th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
38 Songs from the Wood Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
39 Watching Me Watching You Ravensburg Oberschwabenhalle 28th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
40 Band Introductions Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
41 The Swirling Pit Live Freiburg Stadthalle 30th April 1982 Instrumental 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
42 Pibroch / Black Satin Dancer Recorded in Frankfurt Passau Ravensburg Boblingen and Freiburg April 1982 Instrumental 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
43 Beastie Ravensburg Oberschwabenhalle 28th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
44 Too Old to Rock N Roll Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
45 Aqualung Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
46 Minstrel in the Gallery Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
47 Locomotive Breath / Black Sunday Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital
48 Cheerio Boblingen Sporthalle 29th April 1982 4 1 Surround in Dts & Dolby Digital


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